next@90 Festival B: Caniparoli / Breiner / Oishi Premieres

EMERGENCE. Val Caniparoli joined SF Ballet in 1973 and will celebrate his 50th anniversary with the Company in 2023. His next@90 ballet, Emergence is set to Dobrinka Tabakova's Concerto for Cello and Strings, and includes costume designs by Susan Roemer and lighting designs by Jim French. THE QUEEN'S DAUGHTER. Bridget Breiner creates her first work for SF Ballet with The Queen's Daughter, an adaptation of the biblical story of Salome. Breiner's Salome will depart from Oscar Wilde's femme fatale character, opting instead to explore the relationship between a very young girl and her mother. BOLERO. Yuka Oishi makes her United States and SF Ballet debut with BOLERO. Oishi's creative process for BOLERO began in 2020, when she experienced two major life changes at once: her pregnancy and subsequent birth of her son, and the death of a loved one. "Death and life kissed each other," described Oishi, who was motivated not to create a heartbreaking ballet, but one with energy: "The repetition of rhythm and melody completed my idea of a constant beating, the idea of growing a cell to the universe's scale." NO/NO attendees received SWAG bags.