next@90 Festival C: Blanc / Schreier / Possokhov Premieres

KIN. Claudia Schreier is creating on SF Ballet for the first time with Kin, set to a commissioned score by Tanner Porter. An abstract ballet, Kin features two female dancers among a cast of sixteen who are enveloped in a shifting power dynamic, pressured by the limiting nature of time. GATEWAY TO THE SUN. Nicolas Blanc, former SF Ballet Principal Dancer, returns to SF Ballet for Gateway to the Sun, his new ballet set to Anna Clyne's DANCE for cello and orchestra from 2019. "Dance is a liberation, dance is a sense of soothing, of solace for a human being," said Blanc. VIOLIN CONCERTO. Yuri Possokhov, who became SF Ballet's Choreographer in Residence after retiring from dancing for SF Ballet in 2006, recalls Balanchine's Violin Concerto as one of his favorite ballets by the choreographer which he danced many times. "My memory of Balanchine comes back, of course, but this impulse gives me the chance to express myself," Possokhov said. Violin Concerto showcases Possokhov's musicality and is set on seven couples and one lead ballerina.